Do It Big Official Tour Song

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Official Entry Song for INDI College Tour and Brand Ambassador 2019  #NMG #DoItBig

Did you know that the average brand ambassador job pays $78k per year?


.......You don't have to be a celebrity to get these jobs!


We are affiliated with the pros and will help to brand your content!


Our current audition is for ladies that are ready to experience a new form of product marketing in the form of bottled water branding! To participate is free, plus entries will be featured on our website and in social media groups where you'll be automatically viewed by industry professionals and entertainment communities!

What to do?


Send in one recording showing your interest in the "Do It Model Search" that tailors the MEGA TOUR with the following:  

  • an acting video with a bottle of water (no label)

We are looking for originality, creativity and diversity!